When does the bluetooth plugin for Cordova get added to the ngCordova wrapper?
Plugin ID: com.megster.cordova.bluetoothserial
Version: 0.2.0
Platform(s): Android, iOS
PhoneGap Version(s): 2.9.0
License: Apache 2.0
Owner: don.coleman@gmail.com
Repository: https://github.com/don/BluetoothSerial.git
Tag / Branch: master
When someone puts in a pull request for it
Ng-cordova is open source project so people can put in pull request for it
how to use this one am getting cordova class not found exception
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So this is a really old plugin, and it doesn’t seem like the own is going to be maintaining it.
Try this one out
If not, give the plugin repo a search
old one is works well bro problem is i need to install cordova for my app so i instlled it it works well both beacon and bluetooth thanks…
ngCordova site docs is not showing but if you look the github repo you can find:
Bluetooth Low Energy
Bluetooth Serial
You can figure how to use it by reading the dist/ng-cordova.js file.
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