Ionic Dev App Bluetooth Serial


I’m using ionic version 4.0.1 and I would like to develop an app that uses the Bluetooth Serial plugin. I’m currently using ionic device both on an Android (Samsung Galaxy) and ioS (iPhone and iPad).

The app that I’m testing is this one:

Actually I’m able to discover bluetooth devices from Android, but in iOS I get the following:

console.warn: Native: tried calling BluetoothSerial.enable, but the BluetoothSerial plugin is not installed.

console.warn: Install the BluetoothSerial plugin: ‘ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-bluetooth-serial’

I read the documentation and it seems that this plugin should be available in ionic DevApp both for android and ios.

Any ideas?

Thanks for your reply

True, it works fine for Android, but I did not test it on iOS.
I hope someone helps.