New to Ionic - Good for Desktop Level Apps?

I am new to Ionic Framework and found it very interesting. I wanted to know if this framework is good for developing apps that are run on Mobiles/tablets or we can design multi-device compatible websites good for Desktop as well?

Apologies if this question has been asked before.

Hey there, it is optimized for mobile apps.

I used it also for a web app, but i would not recommend it with the newer ionic versions.
I would use something like bootstrap, foundation or something else to build a responsive webapp for different resolutions.

Greets, bengtler

I am using it for a web app and it works perfectly well AND has responsiveness…

See for example

Yeah but keep in mind it will not work / not supported for internet explorer ;).
And this is a no go for webApps.

Works fine or is easily fixed with IE9+
I pitty anyone who must use IE <9… :smile:

Yeah but all in all it is a hybrid mobile app framework… if you get in trouble with that, nobody will give you support ;).

You also have to consider the users have different expectations of usability for Web- and MobileApps, yet. Hopefully this will change in the near future. :slight_smile:
Big parts of the ionic source code are handlings for different platforms/devices.

I would build a clean and repsonsive AngularJS WebApp, but do what you want to do.

Greets, bengtler.