I have seen quite a few requests for search/filter directives, including myself. I created a ionFilterBar directive, similar to to ionActionSheet, which you call via a service from your controllers. You can pass many options into the show method including ability to debounce input, filter properties, custom filter, etc… and ability to configure items in ionicConfig such as themes/ionic color options, icons, transitions, backdrop etc…
One additional thing related to filtering. I know there is a limitation in Cordova with binding an action to the keyboard search button, but is there a way we would change the text of the keyboard to something other than “Search”? Can we hide the specific button? Never played around with this so let me know if you have any info on this
hi, thanks for this directive, it appears to be great, but can you show here how to really add it to an ionic app, I tried to read the doc on the git repo but it a bit long, this why I ask you to show step by step integration.
Also check out the repo, I’ll update the docs even more in the near future but there should be enough for you to understand how it works. I also added a demo to the demo folder so check that out as well.