Network Error on phone on "ionic run android -c -l -s"

I’m getting an error message when running “ionic run android -c -l -s” on my test phones (Nexus 6 and Moto G. It says "Application Error - There was a network error. ( If I run it without parameters the app will load, but I can’t debug.

UPDATE: I tried starting a blank Ionic project from scratch and now when I “ionic run android -c -l -s” I get net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED ( is probably the machine where you ran ionic and your phone cannot access it. there can be many reasons for that, maybe you have a firewall blocking incoming connections.

What do you mean? Reading the console?
If your phones are running at least Android 4;4, you can use Chrome remote debugging via USB and will have access to your phoen console plus a real JS debugger.

I am experiencing the exact same problem. Did you find a solution to this issue?

ionic plugin add

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Thanks for posting your findings back to this thread. :thumbsup: