Network error after build (ionic 6 using vue 3) ANDROID


is there anyone have the same problem with ionic 6 that using vue 3 (composition API), that the axios seems could not make a request to the server? the error message is “NETWORK ERROR” i try to googled it, but i dont find any solution for this or any explanation

here’s the error i got

i did try with and no live reload (the api request i made to my own computer) the axios request doing just fine, no problem at all. Is anyone can help me with this problem?

vue: 3.2.1,
ionic: 6.18.1
capacitor/android: 3.3.2
ionic/vue: 5.4.0
axios: 0.24.0

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Hola @ryansyrl, tengo el mimos error y no he logrado solucionarlo. Si a la fecha tienes alguna información te agradecería si puedes compartirla.


Any new on this? I have same issue, in the browser all goes fine but in the apk fails