Learn by example using Ionic Themes. Seeing another person’s code can help you learn good practices, find solutions to common problems, find out how to implement certain things that you’ll surely have to if you want to build your mobile application using Ionic Framework.
We went all in and became experts on Ionic 3 and Angular 5 to get you the most complete ionic starter app you will ever find.
This app is the ELITE version of Ion2FullApp. If you are one of those who always goes for the best, you should consider getting the ELITE version. It’s the most complete starter app for Ionic 3 you will ever find and with beautiful designs. It includes the following features:
- [NEW] Wordpress Integration: Posts, comments, pages, categories, authentication using JWT
- [NEW] Firebase Integration: Firestore Database with CRUD and Filters, Firebase Authentication with multiple provide, upload images to firebase
- Video Playlist using the JS HTML5 Angular video player
- Form Validations with custom validators
- International phone validator using Google lib phone number
- Masked inputs for email and phone
- Multi Language with RTL support
- Twitter Login Native Integration
- Select Images from the user’s phone Gallery
- Image Cropper
- Monetize your app with Admob
- Enable your users to quickly Rate your App in the App stores
- Facebook Login Native Integration
- Google Login Native Integration
- Google Maps
- Google Places
- Geolocation
- Social Sharing
- Send Email
- Image Slider
- Call Number
- In App Browser
- Native Storage
- Facebook Login Native Integration
- Google Login Native Integration
- Google Maps
- Google Places
- Geolocation
- Social Sharing
- Send Email
- Call Number
- In App Browser
- Native Storage
- Image Slider