Navigation with Tabs from Menu

Can you help me to navigate from SideMenu to another page with saving Tabs?

My app.html

<a menuToggle tappable (click)="userPage(1)">User page</a>

My app.component.ts

userPage(user_id) {
  this.nav.push('UserPage', {
     userId : user_id,
  }) ;

My tabs.ts

export class TabsPage {

	tab1Root = 'ProjectsPage';
	tab2Root = 'ContractorsPage';
	tab3Root = 'SuppliersPage';
	tab4Root = 'VacanciesPage';
	tab5Root = 'BeInTrendPage';
	tab6Root = 'UserPage';

	constructor() { }

When i go to User page from userPage() function, Tabs not displaying on page.

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