Navigation back/forward

Hi, I’m trying to create a pagination that will works like a contest.
I need to create buttons like a pagination and paginate through an data array.

I just need something like this:


< (back) (forward) >

Any tips on how to solve this ?

One possibility is to use $ionicHistory ($ionicHistory/ )


to process your backward. To process forward button you can use for example $state


Thanks for the reply
But my question is how to paginate data using buttons to go back and foward
Navigate across the data

add an ionFooterBar there you can add buttons

 <div class="buttons">
   <button class="button">previous</button>
 <h1 class="title">What's next?</h1>
 <div class="buttons">
   <button class="button">next</button>

All right.
I have that code inside my footer.
But I don’t know how to implement the logic to paginate.
That’s the problem.

I have an array with 20 contests and I need to display every contest so the user can solve it.
And the user can navigate throught every contest using the navigation buttons.

Any tips on how to solve this problem ?

In fact I need to just make a paging using some data from an API.
For example, I have an array with 10 contests and I need to display them on page using pagination.
Displaying buttons to go forward in the list.
I don’t know how to solve this.