I just updated to Ionic v 2.2 and the icon “start” / “menu toggle” in the navbar stopped showing up because of the following css (part of the ionic css), any idea why we added it in this version ?
I am also having same issue . I have added persistant = true in ion-menu but it still didnt resolve my issue. When i use this.navCtril.setRoot(pageName). Then i can see my icons otherwise i cannot see my icons
I had the same problem until I stumbled upon the following on Menu Component page in the docs:
To add a menu to an app, the <ion-menu> element should be added as a sibling to the ion-nav it will belongs to. A local variable should be added to the ion-nav and passed to the ion-menus content property.
So in your app.html file you need something like this:
You need to add attribute persistent="true" to <ion-menu> then menuToggle button will be available on all views. You can find more details here in the docs
Hello, I am facing same issue in ionic v4 (Icon is not displaying)
<ion-buttons slot="start">
<ion-icon slot="icon-only" name="menu"></ion-icon>
<ion-title start>Header</ion-title>
<ion-content padding>
<h1>Main Content</h1>
<p>Click the icon in the top left to toggle the menu.</p>