My application looks very different on i-phone and android how to fix it ionic?

i’m creating my first mobile application using ionic framework, the problem is, what my application looks very different on i-phone and android, i added 2 pictures from the same pages of my application, 1 from iphone and 1 from android, i don’t know how to fix it, when i’m trying to change position of the logo on android, it becomes curved on i-phone, when i’m trying to change position of logo on i-phone, it becomes curved on android, please tell me how to fix it, how i should use same styles on both platforms?



So Ionic by default tries to keep the platforms separated. It will use the system fonts, system tabs, that kind of thing. So this is actually how it should look.

I would recommend letting it do it’s thing since each platform will feel at home with the app.


This will help you out though if you want to change it up

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I should use this in my config?
With this settings my application will always think that it is ios platform?

Or it just would use ios styles on both platforms?

Yeah in your config should be good. It will tell Ionic to use all iOS styling for both platforms so that it’s consistent.

Thanks my friend, your advice was very useful)