I am trying to create multiple instances of ion-datetimeButton and ion-datetime dynamically inside the v-for with ion-buttons
<ion-item v-for="(task, index) in alltasks">
<ion-datetime-button datetime="datetime_{{ index }}"></ion-datetime-button>
<ion-modal :keep-contents-mounted="true">
<ion-datetime id="datetime_{{ index }}" ref="datetimeRef" presentation="date-time" :value="functionToGetTimeForThisTask()" preferWheel="true">
<ion-buttons slot="buttons">
<ion-button color="danger" @click="cancel()">Cancel</ion-button>
<ion-button color="primary" @click="confirm()">Done</ion-button>
The issue I am having that all the instances are showing same date and time even I am returning the different date time with functionToGetTimeForThisTask function for each instance and the other issue is that how can I handle cancel and confirm buttons for each instance. The cancel and confirm buttons does not work in the above code.