Most canonical way to allow users to upload an image?

I want a cross platform (android/ios/web) way to let the user browse file system for images/photos, in order to implement a “upload an image” functionality. I don’t need anything fancy like multi-file handling/editing/etc. Is this something I have to build myself, or are there plugins for it? I’m a bit overwhelmed by the options, any advice appreciated.

I’m on Ionic 4, Angular, Capacitor.

@Tommertom I just looked at that option for an hour or two, and unfortunately I don’t think that’s a possibility. The behavior of seems to be platform and browser version dependent… for example, on ios apparently it’ll insist on popping up an action sheet with the option of capturing from camera, which breaks some user flow.

I am leaning towards using @ionic-native/camera’s PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY sourceType. Though that won’t work on browser…

Or maybe even easier:

refer this link-