I’m upgrading from beta1 to beta 5b ( I have created a new app from scratch ).
My list now doesn’t show the arrow icon like your demo ( http://codepen.io/ionic/pen/isfAJ ).
It 'something deliberate? If yes, how can I restore it?
Thank you!
Yup, its been removed in beta 2
BREAKING CHANGE: The developer should be stating exactly how an icon
should show, but previously the right nav arrow icon violates this by
automatically showing a right arrow when an item was an anchor or
button. Instead of using the `:after` item selector, which was always
applied by default, it uses the same markup as `item-icon-right`, which
is easier to understand, customizable and not a hard coded default.
This change removes the `:after` nav icon styling, and creates a new
class, `icon-accessory`, based off of similar CSS. The change makes a
nav arrow highly customizable, allows RTL developers to easily control
the arrow direction, and the accessory class is something that's
An example of right side arrow using `ion-chevron-right` as the icon:
<a class="item item-icon-right" href="#">
Check mail
<i class="icon ion-chevron-right icon-accessory"></i>
changed 3 files
with 40 additions
and 66 deletions .
You’re right … I’ve missed it, sorry