Just to save anyone else the time that I wasted, the (ionOpen), (ionClose) and (ionDrag) events were implemented in beta 8. So don’t waste time wondering why they won’t work if you aren’t using 8 or above
(Btw if you aren’t using version 7, you can use the (opening) event explained here.)
“menuOpened” called, but when I updated some variable inside this method.
There is no update on menu (eg: load user name from my own provider and display it on side menu).
When I close the side menu, the variable being updated on UI.
May I know how to force update the menu ui? Thanks!
In my experience, any time I want to “force” something when programming, one of two things happens.
A. I figure out a way to “force” it, and six weeks later I hate myself.
B. I take a deep breath, pet my cat, rethink what I am really trying to do, and realize that “force” is antithetical to how I want to live my life.
Yes, you can alternatively use custom event instead of predefined. Use events by subscribing to an event from other pages and listen for that events to occur through the constructor of the page that you wanted to perform changes.