Make multiple gesture buttons (tap)

Hi all, sorry for my dumb question, right now im struggling with this multiple tap buttons. Below is my code so far:

in *ts file:

export class InOutPage {

public tap: number = 0;
public tap2: number = 0;

constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams) {

tapEventInc(e) {

tapEventDec(e) {

tapsEventInc(e) {

tapsEventDec(e) {

ionViewDidLoad() {
console.log(‘ionViewDidLoad InOutPage’);

public event = {
month: ‘2017-01-01’,
timeStarts: ‘00:00’,
timeEnds: ‘2020-12-31’


and this is the html file:

Item In Item Out


  <button ion-button (tap)="tapEventInc($event)">
  <button ion-button (tap)="tapEventDec($event)">

Thats the summary of my coding right now, tap2 function doest work. How can I manage two gesture buttons? Because my concern is the name of tap, press, swipe and pan cant be changed since they are fixed in the ionic library. Thanks a lot.

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