Hi there, we are developing a new app for and need ionic/angular developers who are familiar with MEAN stack. Do contact me at gunasagaran.suresh@Gmail.com for more details
Hi @Responsivewebsg
I have strong experience with Ionic/Cordova/Angular.
I have also email you more information about my experience and skills so we can discuss further.
My skype is manish.osuniverse.
I have very good experience in front-end and released 3 themes in ionic http://market.ionic.io/user/1532262 and done more than 5 projects in Ionic platform.
Reviews Plus :
GuavaPass :
https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/guavapass-one-pass-fitness/id1050491044?mt=8 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.guavapass.fitness&hl=en
Hi Suresh,
Just sent you an email from anil@daffodilsw.com. Also please add me on Skype at anil-daffodil