Hi there, im looking for an IONIC developer with experience, to develop a prototype, i have the back-end cover and the design. Please contact me, only developers with experience, portfolio and with apps in the stores.
Hi there, im looking for an IONIC developer with experience, to develop a prototype, i have the back-end cover and the design. Please contact me, only developers with experience, portfolio and with apps in the stores.
hello @limitky
I can be a great help to you and will provide you a prototype, please send me an email at robert.cisin20@gmail.com so that I can show you my past work.
Hi @limitky,
I am interested in working with you on this project. I have very good experience in front-end and released 3 themes in ionic http://market.ionic.io/user/1532262 and done more then 5 projects in Ionic platform. Please provide me more details about this project. My skype is manish.osuniverse or email sales@opensourcetechnologies.com
My other apps -
Reviews Plus:
I will help you. Please join me on Skype - seth.cis for a better vision.
Hi there,
We are a team of Ionic app developers and can assist you developing the prototype. It will be great if we can have a Skype chat to discuss in detail. You can add me on Skype at anil-daffodil.
Hi Anilb, could you send me your email pls?
Thanks to all, we already choose one developers.
Good luck and thanks you!
Hi @limitky
Great news, I am interested to work with you. Feel free to contact me on ionicsan46@gmail.com
Contact me on skype: salman.ullah15
Email: salman.ullahkhan@yahoo.com
I have 2+ years of expereince in developing Ionic Applications.