Looking for Co-Developer

Hi there,

I’m currently developing an App using Ionic for the german market.

The backend REST API is developed using laravel 4.2.

I’m looking for a co-developer that wants to finish this app with me (I’ve already made alot of progress), because it’s more fun working on it together.

Don’t expect too much; there’s no salary; I even don’t know if this app will ever make profit but it’s a cool way to meet new Ionic Developers.

I’m from Hamburg,Germany.

Contact me :smile:


Hey cyruxx,

I am Motiur Rahman From Dhaka, Bangladesh.
I am eager to work but I have no experience on laravel.
I have experience on SLIM for REST API and codeigniter for Server Back End.
If think, I will be helpful then feel free to contact me.
If don’t then also feel free to contact me because " it’s a cool way to meet new Ionic Developers. "
:smile: :smile: :smile:

hello cyruxx,

i am from Austria near Vienna and i am relative new in Ionic and want to learn more about it and it would be a great experience for me to work with you.

We also can speak in German if you want :stuck_out_tongue:

Feel free to contact me.



Contact me noopek@gmail.com :wink:

Hi you can contact me. I am also having 4 years experience with laravel development projects. you can see my portfolio here. my company add my best projects to be here. please check my portfolio.

Hey cyruxx,
If your project is still in progress ,that’s will be a pleasure to make a plus hand :stuck_out_tongue:
i make 3 ionic apps with laravel backend before and i will be free from 15 October
if you want to push more ahead your project progress for free :grin: don’t hesitate to add me in skype or ping me via email
EMAIL: karraysoufien@gmail.com
SKYPE: karray.soufien.ipsas@gmail.com
YouTube Channel : www.youtube.com/channel/UCxQqnX8bnYU45GWzSLuEMjQ
Upwork: www.upwork.com/freelancers/~017ca6f198b727fc42
Ionic-market : market.ionic.io/user/201857