Looking for a angular/ionic dev

Hey guy’s I’m in a French/American company which looking for a good FrontEnd developer that know pretty well angular and ionic. Is pretty confortable with multiple API consumption.
You’ll be working on angular web app and hybrid app as well.
We looking for a french people that are fluent in english.

If you’re interested and you want more informations feel free to contact me.


Hi @sweetwingz ,

I am familiar with the requirements you have posted.

My rates are too Nominal, give me a chance and you will be delighted with the service.

looking forward to hear from you.

Best Regards,


Skype: Robert.cisin


Hi @tiger999 thank you for your very quick response.
Have you something to show me online or in stores ?


Hi @sweetwingz

Thanks for your reply.

Sure I can give you the sample works please add me on skype or send me an email so that i can provide you the sample work.



We have good experienced Angularjs and Ionic framework developers. please share your details to info@optisolbusiness.com we are ready to start the assignment.


Hello Ben, I have sent you a private message to your inbox.

Hey thank you for your responses guys but we’re not looking for a contractor right now. We need a full time profil in order to consolidate our FrontEnd stack.


Hi Ben, I’m interested in the full time position. You can see what I’ve done here: http://www.marcochavezf.com/


Hey thank you for your response but I’m looking for a full time french dev

Hi @sweetwingz

Hi @jobtic_ch

Please let me know if you are still looking for Ionic developer. I am interested in working with you on this project. Please provide me more details about this project. My skype is manish.osuniverse or email sales@opensourcetechnologies.com

I have very good experience in front-end and released 3 themes in ionic http://market.ionic.io/user/1532262 and done more than 5 projects in Ionic platform.

You can see my works:

Reviews Plus (We have created it from Scratch)

GuavaPass (Client has hired for taking our consulting. In this we have done the code review of specific section and fixed complex code)

https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/guavapass-one-pass-fitness/id1050491044?mt=8 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.guavapass.fitness&hl=en
