I have a list, which is populated from my provider:
Each element of the list contains 2 buttons (increment and decrement the input value)
<ion-item *ngFor="let element of services" #item>
<ion-icon name="add" on-click="add(inp)"></ion-icon>
<input text-center style="text-align:center;" #inp class="text-center" id="{{element.id}}" type="number" value="0" min="0">
<ion-icon name="remove" on-click="remove(inp)"></ion-icon>
My ts:
remove(item) {
var tmp = document.getElementById(item.id).getAttribute("value");
var num = parseInt(tmp);
if (num > 0) {
document.getElementById(item.id).setAttribute("value", (num - 1) + "");
add(item) {
let tmp = document.getElementById(item.id).getAttribute("value");
let num = parseInt(tmp);
if (num >= 0) {
document.getElementById(item.id).setAttribute("value", (num + 1) + "");
But It’s not working propperly, this way generates “lag” in the interface, sometimes I have to press a button several times to change the input.
Also, if I go back to the main menu, then I go back to this page, I press a button but the value of the input is not modified.
Maybe is a better way to do it with ViewChildren (and how)?