List of items blocking the page to load on older devices

We have an ion-item-group with aprox 30 items. It looks like this:

<ion-item-group *ngFor="let module of models, let i = index" [class.highlight]="hightlightStatus[i]">
        <progress value="{{module.progress}}" max="100"></progress>
        <ion-card (click)="buttonbarItemIndex=i">
    <ion-item *ngIf="hightlightStatus[i]">
        <button-bar [target]=""></button-bar>

On older devices the page does not get loaded. Probably because there are too much DOM Elements to be rendered.

Would be the recommendation to use InfiniteScroll or to replace ion-item with normal divs?

As you can see in the code, the ion-item has ion-card in it and I think this is not so light weight.

We would not like to use divs as we are trying to work as semantic as possible.


Have you tried using VirtualScroll?

According to the docs it only renders the elements which are currently seen by the user which should boost performance.

Thanks, this sounds good. I tried to implement it and it broke my layout completely.

For instance, for the code above, how would it looks like with virtualScroll?

That is what I tried:

<ion-item-group [virtualScroll]="models">
    <ion-item *virtualItem="let module">
        <progress value="{{module.progress}}" max="100"></progress>
            <ion-card-content *virtualItem="let module">
    <ion-item *virtualItem="let module">
        <button-bar [target]=""></button-bar>

Now my layout looks really - really bad. :frowning:

I put a div around item and the layout just look fine. The issue has also been fixed. Thanks

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Glad it worked out. You’re welcome.