I am trying to work with a third party API that wants me to use a Server Page. I have used an iframe to embed the page. While this works when I try it from the browser, when I test it in the device (or the simulator ) the links do not work. I used the trustAsHTML, in case sanitize was blocking it.
Here is the code in the controller
var ihealhtAuthPage = '<iframe src="http://sandboxapi.ihealthlabs.com/OpenApiV2/OAuthv2/userauthorization/?client_id=d9bc6644db6f4acfbf64748bac4782a1&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8100/ihealthdata?userid=john&APIName=OpenApiBP&RequiredAPIName=OpenApiBG+OpenApiBP&IsNew=true" style="width:100%;height:100%" seamless></iframe>'; $scope.trustedHtml = $sce.trustAsHtml(ihealhtAuthPage);
And the template
I have unsuccessfully tried other options, such as adding a link for the URL instead and then having the user click it to open in the system browser using the ngCordova InAppBrowser plugin. In each of these attempts, the links are unclickable.
Truly appreciate any leads or thoughts.