In my scenario having checkbox if all checkbox are checked, then ‘any checkbox’ checked by default, that time all the checkbox are unchecked except ‘any checkbox’ but last checkbox was not unchecked. I used the $event for checking or uncheck.
Le me give a example code
<ion-label >A/C</ion-label>
<ion-checkbox (ionChange)="choose_type('type','A/C',$event)" ></ion-checkbox>
The ts file will be look like this.
choose_type(type: string, value: any, event: any) {
let index;
if (event.checked === true)
console.log('Pushed into array');
index = this.user_filter[type].indexOf(value);
this.user_filter[type].splice(index, 1);
In my case i have an array called user_filter .it will push values if the event.checked is true , else it will splice the index from the array .Hope this one will help you