My app is a strange behavior. Maybe someone has been through this:
The first time you open the application after his installation with the “ionic run ios --device”, access to a form field is with a delay of about 6s (seconds), and only after that the keyboard is opened. This delay only occurs the first time I access the application after deployment on the iphone. After access to the form field occurs instantly, even closing and opening the app.
This is the access to any form field that calls the keyboard.
I found it very strange and I’m not finding solution to this.
Can anyone give me some information about.
iphone with ios 9.1
mac os x yousemite 10.1-.5
ionic framework 1.7.8
cordova 5.3.3
But still we continued with the issue. Imagine each user to download the application having to wait 6 seconds to access a form field.
I’ve found that this is only the first time I access the form field and only after you deploy to mobile. After access to fields is normally.
The why this occurs? Anybody know!?
I am experiencing the same issue here. To make sure that the problem is not with my code I started a project from scratch using the sidemenu template. The very first time the app is deployed, the keyboard has about 6 seconds of delay before it shows up. If I close the app and reopen it, the delay is gone. This is not a problem during development. My concern is that this delay would happen the first time user downloads the app from the AppStore.
PS: I have tried an iPad mini and an iPhone5s and the results are the same. I also have tried both Xcode and ionic to perform the deployment.
ionic info Cordova CLI: 5.3.3 Gulp version: CLI version 3.9.0 Gulp local: Local version 3.9.0 Ionic Version: 1.1.1 Ionic CLI Version: 1.7.8 Ionic App Lib Version: 0.6.4 ios-deploy version: 1.8.2 ios-sim version: 5.0.3 OS: Mac OS X El Capitan Node Version: v4.2.2 Xcode version: Xcode 7.1.1 Build version 7B1005
Eu parei de pesquisar, pois vi que aconteceu o mesmo problema com outro aplicativo que estava usando pela primeira vez. Então pensei: “Isso deve ser coisa do meu iphone 5, apenas dele.”. Agora, com o seu relato, fico preocupado que possa realmente ocorrer com outros aparelhos da apple.
I stopped research because I saw what happened the same problem with another application that was using for the first time. I thought, “This must be the thing my iphone 5, only him.”. Now, with his account, I worry that might actually occur with other equipment of apple.
No one has more information about it !?
I’m experiencing the exact same issue on latest iOS 9.2.1 with Ionic 1.7.14. Main concern is if this is a dev issue only or will it appear in prod as well. Any input is appreciated.
Btw. I can confirm this. Just tested it.
When my iphone 4s is connected via USB it has the 6sec delay. I disconnected the USB cable, restarted the app and on focus the keyboard showed up in 0-1 sec.