Keyboard covers the input field on focus in ios - ionic v7


I have a problem with the input focus in ios, the keyboard covers the input field.
I’m using an app created in ionic 7 with devextreme framework’s working on android device and safari browser in ios device. But facing issue with ionic app in ios device.

Example :

I tried with few capacitor and cordova-keyboard-plugin.However, didn’t get success on it.

Tried with capactior config change and applied all keyboardResize mode like body,ionic, native and none. However, it’s not working.

import { KeyboardResize, KeyboardStyle } from '@capacitor/keyboard';
import { CapacitorConfig } from '@capacitor/cli';

const config: CapacitorConfig = {
	appId: 'Ionic App',
	appName: 'Ionic App',
	webDir: 'www',
	bundledWebRuntime: false,
	plugins: {
		Keyboard: {
			resize: KeyboardResize.Body,
			style: KeyboardStyle.Dark,
			resizeOnFullScreen: true,

export default config;

Form with devextreme component.

<div class="dashboard">
	<div class="dashboard__header">
		<h3 class="dashboard__title">Support</h3>
	<div class="dashboard__body">
		<div class="dashboard__main">
			<div class="dashboard__container">
				<div class="entity-detail">
					<h4 class="dashboard__subtitle">
							title="Send Request"
							<span class="icon-send"></span>
					<div class="entity-detail__content ion-content-scroll-host">
						<ion-content [scrollY]="false">
							<div #contentDetail class="content-detail">
								<form class="form" [formGroup]="getInContactForm" (ngSubmit)="save()">
									<div class="flex-container">
										<h4 class="dx-header-row">Contact form</h4>
										<div class="input-group-horizontal">
											<label for="companyName" class="form-label"
												>Company Name<span class="required"></span
											<dx-text-box [readOnly]="true" formControlName="companyName" valueChangeEvent="input"></dx-text-box>
										<div class="input-group-horizontal">
											<label for="userName" class="form-label"
												>User Name<span class="required"></span
											<dx-text-box [readOnly]="true" formControlName="userName" valueChangeEvent="input"></dx-text-box>
										<div class="input-group-horizontal">
											<label for="surName" class="form-label">Surname </label>
											<dx-text-box [readOnly]="true" formControlName="lastName" valueChangeEvent="input"></dx-text-box>
										<div class="input-group-horizontal">
											<label for="firstName" class="form-label">First Name </label>
											<dx-text-box [readOnly]="true" formControlName="firstName" valueChangeEvent="input"></dx-text-box>
										<div class="input-group-horizontal">
											<label for="PrimaryEmail" class="form-label"
												>Email <span class="required"></span
										<div class="input-group-horizontal">
											<label for="Phone" class="form-label"
												> Phone <span class="required"></span
										<div class="input-group-horizontal">
											<label for="message" class="form-label"
												> Message <span class="required"></span

With android everything works fine, the problem occurs with ios.
what can be the cause of this behavior?

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I think Ionic only provides “scroll-assist” when using Ionic’s inputs (i.e. IonInput, etc.) which adds padding at the bottom to account for the keyboard as a keyboard offset.

You might need to handle it yourself if you are going to use DevExtreme inputs with the Ionic’s Keyboard Lifecycle Events.

I think you can set --keyboard-offset on IonContent to handle your own padding.

Thanks, for the reply @twestrick.

Facing issue only on ios device.

When we focus on input element keyboard is open. however, input element is not scrolled. when we start typing at that time it’s scroll.

This issue is with also if i’m using simple html input element “<input type='text' />”.

Like I said, if you aren’t using IonInput you are going to have to handle the scroll assist yourself. Try with IonInput and see if it works for you. Make sure you are also on the latest version of Ionic - v7.8.1.