Hello, i have an issue in the process of making an authentication system for LoginForm
First step, i have JSON which is like that →
[{“Mobile1”:“6946504924”,“Code”:“0007130”,“Name”:“ΚΡΕΜΥΔΑΣ ΤΑΣΣΟΣ”},{“Mobile1”:“6977263273”,“Code”:“0007134”,“Name”:“ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΧΑΡΗΣ”},{“Mobile1”:“6982773110”,“Code”:“0007145”,“Name”:“Καγιαμπάκη Κατερίνα”,“EMail”:“katerinakagiampaki@triadelta.gr”},{“Mobile1”:“6977460370”,“Code”:“0007170”,“Name”:“ΜΠΛΙΚΑΣ”},{“Mobile1”:“6979836438”,“Code”:“0007188”,“Name”:“ΠΑΓΩΝΗΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ”},{“Mobile1”:“6940993942”,“Code”:“0007190”,“Name”:“ΣΠΥΡΟΣ ΠΩΛΗΤΗΣ”},
Second Step i set Mobile1 and Code values to variables this.Mobile and this.Code in order to manage them later, but because i have a lot of objects with mobile1,Code etc i made a FOR-LOOP in order to make a list or an array in which i store the data and then check the stored data with the input data from the End User and make the authentication.If Mobile1 and Code match then a message will pop-out and it will say that “Valid Credentials " and if not " ERROR Code or Mobile Please Try Again”.
I am sending you also my coding page.
scrid() {
console.log("Entered into Scrid");
this.url = webApihost + "api/rpc/SimpleScrollerRootTable/" + scrid;
this.paramsScroller.data.Code = "0013168";
return this.getScrid(this.url, this.paramsScroller)
.subscribe((Scrid:any) => {
for(var i=0; i<Scrid.length; i++){
console.log("Mobile phone : "+this.Mobile+" Code User: "+this.Code);
// console.log("Kinito "+this.Mobile+"& Kodikos "+this.Code);
My problem is How do i store them in an array and how do i check them and compare them with the Input data that i get from the login screen?