I’d like to make the following code cleaner:
this.http.post("http://..........", 'username=' + user + '&password=' + passw, options)
I tried this code but it doesn’t work:
let body = JSON.stringify({
username: user,
password: passw
this.http.post("http://..........", body, options)
Thank you.
I tried this code, but it doesn’t work:
let httpParams = new HttpParams().set('username', 'John').set('password', '123456');
this.http.post("http://..........", httpParams, options)
The HttpParams
object goes in as part of the options. See an example here.
let params = new URLSearchParams()
params.append('username', 'John');
params.append('password', '123456');
this.http.post("http://..........", params.toString(), options)
@Pasto92 Thanks @Pasto92, it will help me solve some code of mine Have fun with Ionic