i’m facing an issue (possible bug?) when navigating between routes that renders the same component.
I have a list of categories (parent-> children) that i want to navigate
the effect is that when navigating to /:tab(categories)/:categoryId it pushes the new view but reuses the older component so i can clearly see the same data on the screen.
Is there a way to instatiate a new component (same one, new instance) instead of reuse the older one?
the trick is /*/
and keep the whole sub category path to routerLink each time navigation occurs from one to another with:
<IonCard routerLink={`${match.url}/${item.id}`} >
so it will be something like that at the end:
and so on, instead of /categories/4 for case 4 in example.
With this routing React recognizes different path and instances new component each navigation.
I guess after looking at this again, why are you even navigating again? Just put up a loading screen and change the state of the component to re-render with the new data; that seems like a better architectural approach to me.