Issue of ionic scroll inside ionic slide


I have an issue in ionic scroll inside ionic slider.In my app there are lot of messages and user can slide from one message to another.The height of content is different for different messages.So the scroll height will be the height of largest content and there will be lot of space to scroll on small content. My view page code is given below.

  <ion-content style="margin-bottom:55px">
    <ion-slide-box show-pager='false' on-slide-changed="scrollToTop()">
    <ion-slide data-ng-repeat="list in lists">
    <div class="content has-header">
    <div class="list card">

        <div class="item {{color_list[$index % color_list.length]}} header_lst overflow_title">

        <div class="item item-body itm_bdy">

          <div class="row">
         <p data-ng-bind-html="list.content" style="margin-bottom:30px!important"></p>



did you solve this? I have been having the same problem