I’m not convinced by the “cached views” feature in my case.
Indeed, I expect each tab of my ion-tabs to reload their respective associated controllers.
To avoid reloading the page when clicking on button back in the navigation however, I had implemented a strategy with an angular-cache instance.
It worked very well.
Now, I’m just stuck since it’s not easy to enable “reloading” (especially ugly) of my child controllers (specific to each tab) from the parent one: the tabs controller, using the current nightly build.
Even a $scope.$broadcast (possibly to trigger the reload associating a callback) doesn’t work from the on-select
attribute since the specific controller runs afterwards.
Using this nightly build, the only way I found is to execute a pull-to-refresh on my tab content, to reload the items.
Or is there an efficient way to disable caching as soon as a particular tab is clicked? Would be awesome !