Is it possibile show ionic native datepicker in non calendar view?

I am using ionic native datepicker, in android it is shown as calendar, previously when i was using it, it was shown as a picker. I do not want to show date picker as a calendar. I tried by setting android theme for date picker but it does not work. Is it any way to do it? I am setting the options for date picker as follow:

let options = {
date: new Date(),
mode: ‘date’,
allowOldDates: true,
allowFutureDates: false,
androidTheme: this.datePicker.ANDROID_THEMES.THEME_HOLO_LIGHT

Hi @hassanShahzad, I am using following in HTML and it is showing me simple picker and i think this is what you want.

<ion-datetime displayFormat="MMM DD,YYYY - HH:mm" [(ngModel)]="myDate"></ion-datetime>

Hope it helps…Cheers!!!

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In my requirement i do not want to use ion-datetime, i want to use ionic native datepicker.

Sorry @hassanShahzad, never done that before. I always used this component. Sorry bro :frowning: