Is is possible to remove Ionic 2 styles completely

I may potentially have the wrong idea; I’ve only spent a limited amount of time on Ionic 2.

Through my introduction to Ionic 2, I’ve successfully used the built-in visual components provided, as well as ignoring the visual components entirely by removing

<link href="build/main.css" rel="stylesheet">

from index.html, utilizing only my own css. So far, I haven’t run into any issues, and I’ll continue to play around and see if I eventually do, but I haven’t found any solid information around whether or not removing the core framework css is supported.

I’m looking to understand whether or not I can safely remove the core css from Ionic 2 and safely continue to use other parts of the framework, such as <ion-nav>.


Why would you want to do this?

At the moment, I’m looking to find benefits of using Ionic 2 over using Cordova directly. There are some nice utilities provided by Ionic 2, but I’m looking to learn whether or not it’d be possible to ignore the (concrete) visual components of the framework entirely, yet be able to leverage the rest of the framework.

That’s an unusual requirement to say the least. What exactly do you want to use in the ionic-angular library if not the visual components?

I like the interface/usability of <ion-nav>, as well as the tooling that comes with ionic-cli. Ionic also seems to provide more native plugins/interfaces out of the box, compared to Cordova on its own.

As I mentioned initially, I’m aware that the thought may seem out of context. Just looking to discover whether or not it’d be possible to leverage whatever I can from here instead of “starting from scratch”.

Ionic Native simply wraps Cordova plugins, so it can’t really provide more plugins. Also Ionic Native doesn’t depend on the Ionic Framework (i.e. the ionic-angular module), you can use it with plain Cordova as well.

I didn’t dig very deep into the Cordova docs, initially. My own mistake. Ionic Native being an isolated lib is great info, though.

It’s clear at this point that my own idea of how I’d like to utilize Ionic 2 (rather ionic-angular as you mentioned) is far too counter-intuitive. Thanks a lot for the clarification.

Ionic is overwriting most of the classes in my stylesheets being used absolutely everywhere else. Which means my developers have to write custom classes to overwrite ionic classes that are overwriting my original classes. File sizes are becoming grotesquely massive as a result. It’s also pulling in huge icon libraries that I don’t use. It’s also defining tons of font families that have no earthly business being in these apps. It’s very frustrating.