iOS9 Split screen feature not working

Is there any way to get new Split Screen feature of iOS9 working in Ionic apps?

Side slide is working but Split screen to allow both app working at the same time is not supported.

Hey @shashwattripath it requires creating a Launch Screen.storyboard. You then have to change some settings in xCode. It seems to somewhat interfere with Cordova Splashscreen, unfortunately. Let me know if you’ve figured out how it all works. It requires a bit of knowledge of xcode since you have to add the images to the launch storyboard.

Check out this link for more info:

So I’ve gotten it working and I’ve written a post on how to enable Split Screen:


Sweeeeeeeet @jason_engage. Thanks for the detailed steps, much appreciated. Will try it and let you know.

iPad Split screen feature available in ios 11. Try this step :
See this Video :