I am building a typical whats-app like chat component for my app. Currently the input field is in the ion-footer-bar directive. On Android, this works flawlessly. However, on iOS, this setup causes the keyboard to automatically appear when the page is loaded. Is there anyway to disable the keyboard from automatically loading, and instead only load on input text focus?
Right now, I am running cordova.plugins.Keyboard.close(); after a 50ms delay, but it doesn’t always work and you still see the keyboard appearing, then closing.
The behavior seems random. Sometimes the keyboard automatically loads on iOS. Sometimes it doesn’t. And sometimes this blank chunk of space does instead:
I realized the blank space was because the keyboard was loaded, and I called cordova.plugins.Keyboard.close(), before the view had a chance to respond properly.
Still underlying problem, that if I have an <input> or <textarea> in the footer, on iOS, the keyboard is automatically triggered on view load.
@mhartington I think I found the issue. If the <textarea> has a label with the class item-input-wrapper, and this is all in the footer, then the keyboard is automatically shown on view load. Specifically, the issue is the following CSS in that classs: