On my app I don’t see the popup if I reinstall and reauthorize on IOS 15, only saw it after upgrading to IOS 15 and opening my app previously installed on IOS 14.
That would be great to at least be able to put the app name on the dialog.
Thanks, while we have started the transition to capacitor we still have a few apps on angular/cordova. I will continue the search on the cordova forums thanks
I’m using capacitor and my app have the same problem when it uses the navigator.geolocation API.
I am using mapboxgl and when this library uses the geolocation I see the “:// Would Like To Use Your Current Location” propmt.
You can reproduce it using
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((response) => { });
in any capacitor app. And because of it I think is a capacitor configuration problem.
In my info.playlist I have the config
Es necesario activar la ubicación del dispositivo para poder usar Gronze Maps 2
Es necesario activar la ubicación del dispositivo para poder usar Gronze Maps 1
That’s how the WebView prompt for geolocation permission looks like, if you want to use navigator.geolocation API, the only way of having a native prompt is to use cordova-plugin-geolocation as it overwrites navigator.geolocation object to use native code.
Or you can use @capacitor/geolocation plugin to request the permission before showing the mapbox map as if it’s granted navigator.geolocation shouldn’t ask again.