GeoLocation GetLocation Origin Does not have permission to use geolocationservice

Hi, I have a problem when deploying my app to IOS via test flight and trying to access the current geolocation.

I am using the geolocationservice.getCurrentPosition() but it is returning an error code of 2 and a message of “Origin does not have permission to use Geolocation service”.

I have seen others with the same issue, but I cannot seem to resolve it on IOS (Android apk is ok).

I have set the plist settings with my own privacy message which is appearing in the dialog when the permission is requested.

I have also upped the timeout as this has also been an issue, but has not resolved my issue.

I have also ensured that the platform is ready before asking for the location.

Any other help would be appreciated. The only thing I have read is that livereload can cause the issue as it is not over HTTPS. This shouldn’t be an issue on the phone, but what I’m unsure of is if my API calls to HTTP are impacting this?

Did you manage to find a solution for this? I have the same problem and can’t find a solution online.

I am using Ionic 4 with the Cordova GeoLocation plugin and have also added the necessary pList messages. The error occurs when I run the app on iOS without live-reload. It mentions an insecure connection to ionic://localhost.

Any help would be appreciated.

Nope, sorry - still waiting on a response from the forum, but no luck.

Did anyone find a solution for this issue?

I am using Ionic 5 with @ionic-native/geolocation v 5.28.0 and have added the pList messages.

On loading my app I get the error “Origin does not have permission to use Geolocation service” with Code 2. If then navigate away then back to the home page it then asks for permission to allow geolocation and works fine. It is just erroring on the intial load of the app.