Ionicview backup

hi ionicview team.

today, i lost my Mac with all projects and would like if there is a way to download
code project for my ionicview account.

i can provide you all necessary informations (login, pass, app id).
will, realy, appreciate your help.

Thanks a lot

Login to you account on, then click your username on the top right, and then “data” in the navigation. Here you can enter your app_id and download the last version.

And after you got it, get a free account on bitbucket and create a git repository where you upload your app :wink:

TOP :+1::+1::+1:
Bitbucket done :smile:
Thanks a lot!

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I’m guessing this is no longer accurate. since i can’t find a “data” option on my ionic account.
I’m trying to take my www folder to another computer to build there but I’d like to keep the same app id and plugins.
I guess what i’d like to know. is what files I should backup to git .
just the www and ionic.config.json ?

The Ionic team removed the link as having the “www” folder is not as useful with Ionic 2 any more as it was with Ionic 1, Ionic 2 compiles and reworks the code. And because of this downloading your JS is not a backup of the code you need to work on your app any more.

But if you use Ionic 1, there is this secret link:

Since posting this. I’ve learned how to use git. Thank you for helping out.

In hindsight, I guess my real question was if i had to copy the entire node_modules folder when i was backing up to a usb.
Now that I know what package.json and gitignore do it made my life much simpler.

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