$ionicPopup Fires More Than Once When Used with $ionicLoading

So I have a controller that calls a REST service upon loading. Here are the codes:


    $ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
  spinnerFactory.showSpinner("Fetching Data");
  $http.get("<REST Resource here...>")
  	.success(function(data) {
          $scope.data = data;
      .error(function(data) {
      .finally(function($ionicLoading) {


> .factory('spinnerFactory', function($ionicLoading) {
>   function showSpinner(info) {
>     return $ionicLoading.show({
>       template: '<p>' + info +'...</p><ion-spinner></ion-spinner>'
>     });
>   }

>   function hideSpinner() {
>     return $ionicLoading.hide();
>   }

>   return {
>     showSpinner: showSpinner,
>     hideSpinner: hideSpinner
>   };
> })
.factory('ErrorFactory', function($ionicPopup, $state){
    function addPopup() {
     	return $ionicPopup.alert({
	     	title: 'Error',
	     	subTitle: 'Failed to add data. Please check your internet connection and try again.',
        cssClass: 'button-assertive'
   		}).then(function(res) {
    function getPopup() {
     	return $ionicPopup.alert({
	     	title: 'Error',
	     	subTitle: 'Failed to fetch data from server. Please check your internet connection and try again.',
   		}).then(function(res) {
   			//.then is when you click the OK button
   			//will reload the current page you're in whenever you click the OK button
    function updatePopup() {
     	return $ionicPopup.alert({
	     	title: 'Error',
	     	subTitle: 'Failed to update. Please check your internet connection and try again.',
   		}).then(function(res) {
    function deletePopup() {
     	return $ionicPopup.alert({
	     	title: 'Error',
	     	subTitle: 'Failed to remove selected data. Please check your internet connection and try again.',
   		}).then(function(res) {
    return {
    	addPopup: addPopup,
    	getPopup: getPopup,
    	updatePopup: updatePopup,
    	deletePopup: deletePopup

When I remove the $ionicLoading everything works fine. I click on the OK buton in the getPopup() alert box and the page will just refresh.

But if the $ionicLoading is included, the getPopup() alert box will fire more than once.