Ionicon ion-looping not spinning on Android

Hey guys, I created a ionic application and I’m trying to deploy it with Phonegap. I added:

.constant('$ionicLoadingConfig', {
    template: '<i class="icon ion-looping" style="font-size:300%"></i>'

to have a spinner instead of text. On iOS everything works fine, but on Android the icon is not spinning, its just static.

Any ideas?

+1 on this, I’ve got a similar problem.
Put a spinner in the template, on iOS it’s all fine, Android is just a static icon.

Just a little update: on Android 4.0-4.3 SMIL animations are not working, so we should use the “android” spinner, which is the one also available via JavaScript animation (as stated in the docs ion-spinner - Directive in module ionic - Ionic Framework)

Each spinner uses SVG with SMIL animations, however, the Android spinner also uses JavaScript so it also works on Android 4.0-4.3.

So, I think we could change the request in “Can you make the other spinners as JavaScript, too?”