IonicAppFlow Provisioning Profile for Push Notifications...

Hi All,

I’m adding in push notifications and using Ionic AppFlow to build.

I’m getting:

[21:49:05]: ▸ Check dependencies
[21:49:05]: ▸ Code Signing Error: Provisioning profile “MYAPPNAME” doesn’t support the Push Notifications capability.
[21:49:05]: ▸ Code Signing Error: Provisioning profile “MYAPPNAME” doesn’t include the aps-environment entitlement.
[21:49:05]: ▸ Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type ‘Application’ in SDK ‘iOS 11.4’

Any idea how to solve this?

Thanks for your help

Was this ever solved? I am having the same issue and can not find anything related to it to fix it.

I have faced this issue, Please follow these steps to solve this problem.

  1. In Xcode, select your app, then add capabilities for Push Notifications. ( It might invalid your Provisional profile)
  2. Go to apple developer account and select Certificates, IDs & Profile, then select the Profile which you want to use, if it show invalid, then click on that profile, then click edit, and save without any modification.
  3. Download the Provisioning Profile, use certificate from Key Chain and upload to Ionic App flow dashboard.
  4. Try build, you will be able to use push notifications in App.