Ionic4: The hamburger icon of th sidemenu disappears refreshing the page

I have a sidemenu app done with Ionic4.

Redirecting to the pages of this app after the login, or refreshing the page the hamburger icon of the sidemenu disappears.
If I restart the app with the user already logged the icon returns back.
This is the side menu:


This is the page before:


and after a refresh:


This is the header of each page:

    <ion-buttons slot="start" >

Is there a way to avoid this problem?

Thank you very much


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Well, it shouldn’t be happening

Can you post an example to github so we can see what is causing it?

this is the repository on GitHub .
You can download it and run “npm install”.
You can log in with any username and password, it is always accepted.

I execute the app with: ionic serve -lcs

  • After the login, you are redirected to a page that has the hamburger but it isn’t shown (it should be visible, because the page contains the menu). This is the first problem.

  • If you stop the app and execute again “ionic serve -lcs” the page appears with the hamburger menu, and you can use it.

  • if you refresh the page, the hamburger disappears again. This is the second problem.

Is there a problem with this component?

Thank you

Your navigation is a bit confusing to me, however, as a first step can you add autoHide=‘false’ to your menus?

<ion-menu-button autoHide='false'></ion-menu-button>

I can only navigate to the member/home page, and the menu doesn’t work there, so ther may be other problems?

Yes, it is true, with this modification the menu appears but doesn’t work.
However, I’ve found the problem.

I had in the login page this code

  constructor(private route: Router,
              private menuCtrl: MenuController,
              private authService: AuthenticationmanagerService) {

It’s crazy I know.
So it’s my fault, I don’t know why I wrote this.
So is the command this.menuCtrl.enable(false); that is disabling the menu.
I don’t know why I put this code in a previous version of the app.

Why do say this?
The code of the example is extracted from a real app, I’ve moved the pages into two directories “public” and “members”. The first is for the pages that don’t require authentication the second for the pages that require authentication. I like to have the pages into another directory that “src/app” because I don’t like to have: pages, services, guards, etc. in the same directory.
Were you referring to this?

However, thank you very much for your time :slight_smile: and your suggestions.


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I just meant that I wasn’t familiar with your app. It seems strange to flash the login screen if a user is logged-in, is that what happens?

Anyway, glad you got it resolved!

Yes, that’s true it’s a problem that I will solve soon.


Your solution helps me to retain the drawer icon but the sidemenu doesn’t open. On click of drawer icon nothing happens.

Please start a new thread.

Please provide some details about your problem so that someone can help you.

just as @ionicGeoff said

add menuController to your constructor

private menuCtrl: MenuController {

This works