Ionic3 Native Google Maps plugin Marker data: How to get Markers Data by clicking on it

Hello there,
I’m using in my application. I’m able to diaplay multiple markers on Map. But not able to get custom data, when we click on particular marker. Can u please help me in that. The following code snippet that I’m using to dislpay multiple markers on map.

markersArr = [
        title: 'markers',
        customInfo: "Marker A",
        icon: {
          url: "./assets/imgs/marker.png",
          size: {
              width: 30,
              height: 30
        animation: GoogleMapsAnimation.BOUNCE,
        position: {
          lat: 52.489899,
          lng: -2.01839
        iconData:  {
          url: "./assets/imgs/marker-selected.png",
          size: {
              width: 30,
              height: 40

        title: 'markers',
        customInfo: "Marker A",
        icon: {
          url: "./assets/imgs/marker.png",
          size: {
              width: 30,
              height: 30
        animation: 'DROP',
        position: {
          lat: 52.489899,
          lng: -1.01839
        iconData:  {
          url: "./assets/imgs/marker-selected.png",
          size: {
              width: 30,
              height: 40

ionViewDidLoad() {

  getCurrentLocation() {
    this._geoLoc.getCurrentPosition().then((position) => {

      let yourPosition: ILatLng = {
        lat: 52.4773549,  // position.coords.latitude,
        lng: -2.003715 // position.coords.longitude


    }, (err) => {
      alert('location error');


  loadMap(markersArr) {
    let POINTS: BaseArrayClass<any> = new BaseArrayClass<any>(markersArr);

    let bounds: ILatLng[] = any, idx: number) => {
      return data.position;
    }); = GoogleMaps.create('map_canvas', {
      camera: {
        target: bounds

    POINTS.forEach((data: any) => {
      // data.disableAutoPan = true;
      let marker: Marker =
      // marker.on(GoogleMapsEvent.INFO_CLICK).subscribe(this.onMarkerClick);


  onMarkerClick(params: any) {
    alert("Marker Data: " + params.markerInfo);
    let marker: Marker = <Marker>params[1];
    let iconData: any = marker.get('iconData');


I’m not sure if it’s the same plugin but I use this plugin which works pretty well -> link

As you can see here it’s possible to add events for when a Marker is touched, example code:

marker.on(, function() {
  marker.set("count", marker.get("count") + 1);

So this allows you to do something like:

this.marker.addEventListener(GoogleMapsEvent.MARKER_CLICK).subscribe(data => console.log(data))

this.marker is a reference I have to my position, maybe you should add it on the map reference, I’m not sure.

I haven’t tried it but that should give you a lead, I control when the map is centered with that method, addEventListener(...)

Good luck!

Thanks for your quick response, yes its the same plugin, I will update link. Anyways, just now I got the answer. I will update it, may be in future it will help someone else.

onMarkerClick(params: any) {
    let marker: Marker = <Marker>params[1];
    let customInfo: any = marker.get('customInfo');
    alert("Custom Info: " + customInfo);
    let iconData: any = marker.get('iconData');
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