Ionic 2 native google maps multiple markers

hey, tried to implement the example ‘create multiple markers’ from the cordova-plugin-googlemaps plugin and its not working at all. Anybody know what the reason could be? Thanks

var data = [
  {'title': 'marker1', 'position': GoogleMapsLatLng(0, 0)},
  {'title': 'marker2', 'position': GoogleMapsLatLng(1, 1)},
  {'title': 'markerN', 'position': GoogleMapsLatLng(2, 2)}

addMarkers(data, function(markers) {
  markers[markers.length - 1].showInfoWindow();

function addMarkers(data, callback) {
  var markers = [];
  function onMarkerAdded(marker) {
    if (markers.length === data.length) {
  data.forEach(function(markerOptions) {
    map.addMarker(markerOptions, onMarkerAdded);
1 Like

Are you found any solution for your problem, i have the same issue ?

addMarkers(places, function(markers) { });

function addMarkers(data, callback) {
    function onMarkerAdded(marker) { console.log(marker); }
    for (let index in places) {

        // End of marker conditions
        let place = places[index];
        place['markerIndex'] = parseInt(index);
        points.push(new GoogleMapsLatLng(place['lat'], place['lng']));

            'position': new GoogleMapsLatLng(place['lat'], place['lng']),
            'place_id': index,
            'icon': {
                'url': iconsType[place.type],
                'anchor': [18, 36],
                'size': {
                    width: 36,
                    height: 36
            'place': place,
            'visible': markerVisible,
            'markerClick': function(marker) {
        }, onMarkerAdded);


Thank you but it doesn’t work with me if you please can post a snippet for your full code that create the map.
btw i’m using GoogleMap class from ionic-native.

can you please elaborate what changes you made in contrast to original ionic2 code?

is anyone still having problems here? @dboras

This code is working perfectly

loadMap() {
let points: any[] = [
{lat: 33.91636924837674, lng: -118.39605331420898,title : “1”},
{lat: 33.90205144970967, lng: -118.39639663696288,title : “2”},
{lat: 33.90190897196702, lng: -118.37905883789062,title : “3”},
{lat: 33.89471353635718, lng: -118.3787155151367,title : “4”}
]; = GoogleMaps.create('map_canvas',{
  camera: {
    target: points,
    zoom : 18
}) => {
  let baseArray: BaseArrayClass<any> = new BaseArrayClass(points);
  baseArray.forEach((position : any,idx:number)=>{
    let marker: Marker ={
     position : position,
     icon : 'red',
     title : position.title,
     animation : GoogleMapsAnimation.BOUNCE,


Happy code…