Ionic2 Tree

Are there any tree view components available for Ionic2? I couldn’t find any and my other solution for such a feature would be to implement a list that i can update, but i can’t seem to find a way to push custom states into the navigation controller, and i can’t even find a way to have sub views in my ionic app that can work with the navigation controller.

> <ion-card>
> // Asset Info
> </ion-card>
> <list>
> //  Asset Tree information
> </list>

This is my app layout where i would like to have a tree being displayed.

Can you provide a screenshot of an example what you want to have?

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As i said a tree view, or at least a list of elements whenever i click on an item it updates the list with it’s children. So far a list is fair enough to work with but i can’t get my back button events working to step back in history.

Step 1: Insult mod
Step 2: ?
Step 3: PROFIT

Are you joking right? I don’t see how is this an insult lol. He asked for an screenshot or an example like he doesn’t know whats a tree view / tree structure? Sorry but i hate to be the teacher on my own question but there you go:

Ionic1 Tree

Anyways I ended up hacking, i created a component that simply updates a list when a child tree is opened. And hacks into the navigation events so it properly works now. And Why is this so complicated to override navigation events in the first place?

And to answer you…
STEP 1: Ask stupid
STEP 2: ?
STEP 3: Profit

Can you provide me with your code? As even I am stuck at the same thing.