Ionic2 cloud auth google sing in

I implemented google sign in using ionic cloud , everything works fine and i get back ‘token’ and user details .pretty smooth right ? now i want the access token from google signin so that i can send it to my back end server (.net web api ) and get the local token for my services . Is this possible ??

I need the access token to verify the validity of the token on my back end server{0}

I am implementing Google Native Authentication and login successfully with token. but I need access token. Any idea how get access_token?

function (user_data) {
// For the purpose of this example I will store user data on local storage
userID: user_data.userId,
name: user_data.displayName,
picture: user_data.imageUrl,
accessToken: user_data.accessToken,
idToken: user_data.idToken

  function (msg) {

google sign in example
refer to this article , it might help you