Ionic2 app show blank screen on android device (4.2.2) using run command and IonicView

try > ionic run --prod --device

I tried ionic run android --prod --device , since I want to test on Android.
But with no luck - loading time still is too long.
Did anyone know how to get some kind of logs with timestamps, to figure out where my app consumes time (e.g cordova logs)?

Hello @iotriado,

I had the same problem and did the following to fix:

// Installation report version 2
$ Ionic start appName --v2

// Adding the Android platform to the app
$ Ionic Platform add Android

// Installing the webview plug-in to work on older versions of android, the latest version of this plugin no longer supports android version <= 4.1, so v16 should be installed
$ Cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview --v16

// Embed the android platform plugin
$ Cordova build android

// Since earlier versions have less memory, put the code below in the config.xml file to increase the response time

// Now just run on the android normally
$ Ionic run Android

I hope I have helped ^^

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Hi Falkom ,
thanks for your answer.

The main issue I noticed is that ionic cli was not updated to the latest version.
(for some reason ionic was not removed from /usr/local/bin/ , after executing sudo npm uninstall -g ionic - I have to remove it manual - I donā€™t know why, though!!!).

I think that for better performance you should use
ionic run android ā€“prod (because that apk is rebuild)

And even without cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview , the initialazation time is about 5 sec, in my android 4.4.2 device.
I guess this time is acceptable. Is it?


I got a curious solution. First, here is my config:

Check my post here: Minimum android version supported by ionicv2

Thanks @falkom,
$ Cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview --v16

now wroking coolā€¦for meā€¦