"Ionic view" To share my app for testing do I first need to create a channel?

To share my app for testing do I first need to create a channel ?

I currently cannot seem to invite people without first creating a channel

have you paid account or free dashboard version ?

@hirenkorat3 it’s a free dashboard version

if its free then you have two default branch 1.master 2.production
you have make public one of them
after that you can access app by app id


I’m having trouble understanding what you mean, where can I find these branches in the dashboard ?

  1. I go to my dashboard https://dashboard.ionicjs.com/app/fa437746/

  2. then go to the “code” tab

Also when I go to “deploy” in that page, I get directed to the link

(which is just a blank page)

I have followed this tutorial

Beta Testing with Ionic View - Ionic Pro Documentation

But the “testapp” I’m working on is not displaying, once I sign in, (I have already pushed this app)

I think the problem is that I have assign a build to a channel,

“In order to test anything in Ionic View, you will have to assign your Builds to a Channel. These Channels are what you will use to share a version of your app with someone.”

ref: https://ionicframework.com/docs/pro/view/

But at the moment I don’t want pay money just to simply create a channel, just to do a simple test.

I’m currently on the “Starter” plan which is FREE, not the Developer
$29 per month plan (If that helps, with my question)

you just connect your app to dashboard but didn’t deploy data to dashboard cloud

so first run command git status

if all perfect then run following command

git add .

git commit -m 'Init Commit'

git push -u origin master

git push ionic master

after that go to channels tabs and deploy your project
then you can see your app

I did precisely what you said and I still have the same error, sorry,
when I press the deploy button, on the web page, the screen just goes blank white, is that happening for you ?

I’m on the starter plan, not the developer plan,
but when I open ionic view it tells me I’m on the developer plan

how many step completed in your dashboard ?

1 of 7 , the next step is to deploy to a channel, (money)

go to channel tab and deploy your app first

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It was pissing me off, so I just signed up for a developer account $29 / month, set up a channel deployed and now it works fine :slight_smile:

thank your for your help @hirenkorat3 much appreciated, I would prefer if you didn’t need to pay just to do preview you app in “Ionic view”, but it’s a great tool :slight_smile:

nice :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::+1: