Ionic Upload Error - Syntax error

How do I debug this? App launches fine in xcode

	Uploading app...
	Error malformed response: SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

	<!DOCTYPE html>
	<html lang="en">
	    <meta charset="utf-8">
	    <meta (CLI v1.3.16)

	Your system information:

	OS: Mac OS X Yosemite
	Node Version: v0.10.33
	Cordova CLI: 4.0.0
	Ionic Version: 1.0.0-rc.0
	Ionic CLI Version: 1.3.16
	Xcode version: Xcode 6.2 Build version 6C131e 
	ios-sim version: Not installed

I have the same error in my Ubuntu 14.04:

Uploading app...
Error malformed response: SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta (CLI v1.3.17)

Your system information:

OS: Distributor ID:    Ubuntu Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS 
Node Version: v0.10.37
Cordova CLI: 4.3.0
Ionic Version: 1.0.0-rc.1
Ionic CLI Version: 1.3.17

From the error, it seems that there is probably and error in your index.html or config.xml

Check there and see if there is any issues

I am getting a similar error. I don’t have that IE 7 line in my index file!! I am facing this after I upgraded to ionic-cli 1.3.18.

Error malformed response: SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
Response: <!DOCTYPE html>
<!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="no-js ie6 oldie" lang="en-US"> <! (CLI v1.3.18)

Your system information:

OS: Distributor ID:	Ubuntu Description:	Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS 
Node Version: v0.10.31
Cordova CLI: 4.3.0
Ionic CLI Version: 1.3.18

Edit: I repeated about twice and suddenly the project got uploaded. No problem now. Really weird.

I am having the same issue with Ionic v1.3.18 on Mac OS X 10.10.

Uploading app...
Error malformed response: SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta (CLI v1.3.18)

Your system information:

OS: Mac OS X Yosemite
Node Version: v0.10.36
Cordova CLI: 4.3.0
Ionic CLI Version: 1.3.18
Xcode version: Xcode 6.2 Build version 6C131e 
ios-sim version: 2.0.1 
ios-deploy version: Not installed

same here! any help?

Uploading app...
Error malformed response: SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" class="dash-body">
    <meta charset= (CLI v1.3.19)

Your system information:

OS: Mac OS X Yosemite
Node Version: v0.10.33
Cordova CLI: 4.1.2
Ionic CLI Version: 1.3.19
Xcode version: Xcode 6.2 Build version 6C131e 
ios-sim version: 1.9.0 
ios-deploy version: Not installed

The discussion on this bug had the solution for me: my project root had an ionic.project file with an app_id filled in.

Deleting the value for that property and then running ionic upload again worked.


I have just the same problem of @ctaepper

assign an empty string to my app_id I not work for me

Found solution … ?

updating to latest ionic did it for me

npm i -g ionic

Thanks @jiraiyauy, update also did it for me!!

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