I am trying to start a new Ionic project, and I can not get past the ionic start command. I keep running into this:
C:\Users\Zach>ionic start IonicApp blank
Creating Ionic app in folder C:\Users\Zach\IonicApp based on blank project
Downloading: https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-app-base/archive/master.zip
[=============================] 100% 0.0s
Downloading: https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-starter-blank/archive/master.zip
[=============================] 100% 0.0s
Update config.xml
Initializing cordova project.
Fetching plugin "org.apache.cordova.device" via plugin registry
Error: EPERM, open 'C:\Users\Zach\.plugman\plugman.log'
Unable to add plugins. Perhaps your version of Cordova is too old. Try updating
(npm install -g cordova), removing this project folder, and trying again.
I’ve tried uninstall both ionic and cordova, updating NPM, then installing both of them again. I’ve tried going back to v3.4 of Cordova… nothing helps. And it isn’t printing any “error” in the .plugman/plugman.log it keeps telling me to look.
You might need to make an empty “plugins” folder your self inside your project folder. For some reason ionic or cordova wont add plugins sometimes if the folder doesn’t exist.
Also this might be a permission error. But some people also said it was just a problem with there version of cordova. Maybe try afew versions back of cordova. Usually these things are fixed fast though because they are widespread.
Well, I fixed it!
Here is the solution for anyone that might come across this.
Error: EPERM, open 'C:\Users\Zach\.plugman\plugman.log'
This was the error I was getting everytime I would try to install a plug-in that required plugman. Make sure that the folder “.plugman” is not set to read-only. Some how mine got set to read-only and once I removed the “read-only” permission everything is fine and dandy.
Thanks for the suggestion, I ran a Cordova project and it seemed to work fine.
After doing a little more snooping around. I found that my Plugman .log is indeed set to read-only!
I went to the preferences and uncheck read-only, however immediately reverts back to read-only status. How were you able to permanently change the plugman .log from read-only status?
Thanks for your help
P.S. I also tried global installation for plugman, that didn’t work either…
Alright so here is my “walk through” of what I did, simply:
My plugman.log was in the .plugman folder in my User directory: C:\Users\Zach.plugman
Right click on .plugman and got to Properties
Two check boxes on the bottom: “Read-Only” and Hidden
Unchecked Read-Only, clicked apply, then prompt came up asking me to apply to directory and sub-folders, or just to directory. Select Directory + Sub-Folders
Clicked OK
I also uncheck “Hidden” from the properties as well, but I don’t think that would have much effect.
Then that was it for me. You might want to try setting the Read/Write permissions of .plugman through the CLI.
I am also getting the same error, when I tried to create the new app.
I’ve tried all these stuffs and also followed the mention steps in the below post too…
But nothing is working for me. Installed version of cordova is 4.0.0
Everything is working like Java, npm, ionic, cordova, Set the JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME variables too. Disabled the plugman folder from the readonly mode too. But nothing is helping me out. I am trying it from the past two days.
Please help me to solve this issue as soon as possible.